Sunday, 4 October 2015

Initial Ideas

My initial ideas for the introductory project is to make a "map" of Bournemouth that reflects how new it is to me and how my knowledge of my surroundings are constantly growing. 

What grows from nothing? 

too deep. 

too gross.

still gross, but perfect. 

Mould, is actually a far more accomplished idea than I could have originally imagined. The experimental way that scientists grow mould in petri dishes  reflects the way in which I am experiencing Bournemouth perfectly. Planned, but anything could happen.

The patterns and colours that can be seen in petri dishes are very interesting and after studying a few photos on pinterest, the negative spaces and small island like shapes that are made mirror a map perfectly. 

By looking at the circular composition of a petri dish I can also look into the history of cartography and how the world used to be perceived - flat, round etc.

I would also like to look into mandalas as the architecture of them is very similar to the map that I am envisioning in side of my head. They are also very fitting in theme.

The enclosed area will be an excellent portrayal of my knowledge of Bournemouth as it shows that it is limited to the things that are inside of it. 

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